
년도별 연구비, sci게재 논문수, 특허 연구실적(단위:억원/건)에 대해 설명한 테이블 입니다.
Less than 30 million won 30 million won or more 50 million won or more 100 million won or more 1 billion won or more 5 billion won or more
Letter of Appreciation, Souvenirs, Subscription to POSTECH Publications
Certificate of Appreciation
Appreciation Plaque
Named Endowment Opportunities
Access to POSTECH Facilities (Cultural Program Membership, Gymnasium, Library)
Nameplates at a Classroom
Nameplates at a Lecture Hall or Auditorium
Named Building or Structure
  • We promise to share the noble philosophies of our donors with all the members (faculty, staff, students, alumni, etc.) of POSTECH.
  • All donors can receive donation receipts for tax deductions.