성명 | 김진희 |
소속 | 인문사회학부 |
전화번호 | 279-2023 |
jinheekim@postech.ac.kr | |
Homepage | https://sites.google.com/site/jhkimcomm/ |
- 2002.08 ~ 2007.08 PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIV. (박사-Mass communication)
- 2000.08 ~ 2002.08 UNIV. OF ALABAMA (석사-telecommunication and film)
- 1997.03 ~ 1999.02 고려대학교 (석사-신문방송학)
- 1993.03 ~ 1997.02 고려대학교 (학사-가정교육학)
- 2008.08 ~ 2011.05 : CLEVELAND STATE UNIV.
- 2007.08 ~ 2008.05 : KENT STATE UNIV.
- Social and Psychological Processing of Media
- Appeal of Entertainment Media
- Media and Emotion
- Cross Cultural Psychology in Mediated Communication
- The dynamics of polarization and compromise in conflict situations: The interaction between cultural traits and majority–minority influence, Communication Monographs, , 84, 128-141 (2017)
- Political disagreement and ambivalence in new information environment: Exploring conditional indirect effects of partisan news use and heterogeneous discussion networks on SNSs on political participation, Telematics and Informatics, , 34, 1586-1596 (2017)
- Model comparison in group decision making: Effects of the visual cue conditions on social identification process and compensatory nonconformity process, COMMUNICATION RESEARCH, , , 159-179 (2016)
- Enjoyment and appreciation as motivators for coping: Exploring the therapeutic effects of media messages on perceived threat., INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMMUNICATION, , 10, 1786-1808 (2016)
- Frequent interaction and fast feedback predict perceived social support: Using crawled and self-reported data of facebook users, Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, , 21, 282-297 (2016)
- Differential and interactive influences on political participation by different types of news activities and political conversation through social media, Computers in Human Behavior, , 45, 328-334 (2015)
- All blogs are not created equal: The role of narrative formats and user-generated comments in health prevention, Health Communication, , , 485-495 (2015)
- The role of new media in sustaining the status quo: Online Political expression, nationalism, and system support in China, Information Communication and Society, , , 766-781 (2015)
- Social media metrics: Third-person perceptions of health information, Computers in Human Behavior, , 35, 61-67 (2014)
- Toward a Person X Situation Model of Selective Exposure: Repressors, Sensitizers, and Choice of Online News on Financial Crisis, Journal of Media Psychology: Theories, Methods, and Applications, , 26, 59-69 (2014)
- Cultural Differences in Preference for Entertainment Messages That Induce Mixed Responses of Joy and Sorrow, Human Communication Research, , 40, 530-552 (2014)
- News use, nationalism, and Internet use motivations as predictors of anti-Japanese political actions in China, Asian Journal of Communication, , , 589-604 (2014)
- How do we regulate sadness through entertainment messages? Exploring three predictions, Journal of Broadcasting and Electronic Media, , 57, 374-391 (2013)
- What combination of message characteristics determines hedonic and counter-hedonic preferences? An examination of the interplay between valence and semantic affinity, Media Psychology, , 14, 121-143 (2011)
- Exploring implications of perceived media reinforcement on third-person perceptions, Communication Research, , 35, 745-769 (2008)
- 페이스북은 우리의 삶을 행복하게 하는가? 대학생 집단에서 페이스북 읽기, 타인과의 상향비교, 삶에 대한 만족도의 관계, 한국언론학보, , 58, 215-244- (2014)
- Gender, sadness, and anger: Seeking gratification vs. appropriateness through entertainment consumption, 젠더와 문화, , 6, 253-278 (2013)
- 페이스북은 우리의 관계를 윤택하게 하는가? 페이스북 이용자의 사회심리학적 동기, 이용 행위, 사회적 지지 인식의 관계 고찰, 한국언론학보, , 56, 270-297 (2012)
- 한국 신문독자의 정치뉴스 해독: 판문점 총격요청 사건을 중심으로, 언론과 사회, , , 79-107 (1999)
- Beyond simple hedonism: Predicting entertainment preference as a function of discrete affective states, American Journal of Media Psychology, , 5, 33-52 (2012)
- Interactivity and persuasion: Influencing attitudes with information and involvement, Journal of Interactive Advertising, , 5, - (2005)
- Judging a movie by its cover: A content analysis of sexual portrayals on video rental jackets, Sexuality and Culture, , 7, 38-56 (2004)
- A Literature Review of Computers and Pedagogy for Journalism and Mass Communication Education, Journalism and Mass Communication Educator, , 57, 398-412 (2002)
- A civic potential for video games in the Asia-Pacific region and the U.S.: Linking the social, achievement and immersion motivations to use games with online political participation and political decision-making, 25th AMIC Annual Conference, 0, 0, - (2017)
- Political disagreement and ambivalence in new information environment: Exploring conditional indirect effects of partisan news site use and discussion network heterogeneity on social network sites on political participation, ., 0, 0, - (2016)
- Technologies of self-persuasion: Mobile apps for health behavioral change, ., 0, 0, - (2016)
- Korean wave and mixed affect: Exploring preferred affective states through entertainment consumption in Taiwan, Singapore, and Hong Kong, ., 0, 0, - (2016)
- The appeal of "sad" comedies and "funny" dramas: Exploring oppositional affective responses and their implications for culture, ., 0, 0, - (2015)
- Portable social networks: Interactive mobile Facebook use explaining perceived social support and loneliness using crawled and self-reported data, ., 0, 0, - (2015)
- Immersion in video games, creative self-efficacy, and political participation, ., 0, 0, - (2014)
- Empowering the public to challenge the status quo? Online political expression, nationalism, and system support in China, ., 0, 0, - (2014)
- Cultural differences in preference for entertainment messages that induce mixed responses of joy and sorrow, ., 0, 0, - (2014)
- All blogs are not created equal: The role of narrative formats and user-generated comments in health prevention, ., 0, 0, - (2014)
- Gender, Sadness, and Anger: An Examination of Selective Exposure to Entertainment Messages, ., 0, 0, - (2013)
- Testing cyber-nationalism in China: A case study of the Internet use, nationalism and anti-Japanese collective action., ., 0, 0, - (2013)
- Cultural differences in preference for entertainment messages that induce mixed responses of joy and sorrow, ., 0, 0, - (2013)
- From active consumers to active citizens: Social media and political consumerism in China, ., 0, 0, - (2012)
- When deprived needs are satiated in computer-mediated groups: The impacts of state changes in uniqueness and belongingness on compensatory behavior processes, ., 0, 0, - (2012)
- What portrayals of news alleviate prevailing perceived threat from the current financial crisis? Exploring distinct effects of victim, survivor, and outperformer news stories., ., 0, 0, - (2011)
- Expressing opinions in public: Different influences on self vs. others?, ., 0, 0, - (2010)
- Do we improve, disrupt, or embrace sadness? Exploring sadness-based media choice and its anticipated effects on coping, ., 0, 0, - (2008)
- Not all people with negative feelings watch comedies: Predicting media choice as a function of discrete affective states, ., 0, 0, - (2008)
- Exploring media selections and avoidances as a means of mood regulation in the context of romantic relationships, ., 0, 0, - (2006)
- 포항지진 그 후: 재난 거버넌스와 재난 시티즌십, 나남, 1-407, KIM, J (2020)
- Media Effects: Advances in Theory and Research, Routledge (Taylor & Francis), 434, KIM, J (2019)
- Handbook of media use and well-being: International perspective on theory and research on positive media effects, Routledge, , (2016)
- The Routledge Handbook of Media Use and Well-Being: International Perspectives on Theory and Research on Positive Media Effects, Routledge, 447, Kim, J. (2016)
- Social cognition and communication (Media and racism), Lawrence Erlbaum, , Mary Beth Oliver (2007)
- Mood management in Encyclopedia of children, adolescents, and the media, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, , Mary Beth Oliver (2007)
- Ethnicity/race and stereotyping in Encyclopedia of children, adolescents, and the media, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, , Mary Beth Oliver (2007)
- Psychology of entertainment, Lawrence Erlbaum, , Mary Beth Oliver (2006)
- 미디어,감성,그리고 문화, 포항공과대학교 (2011-2012)
- 신규부임교수 기자재구입비(인문-1), 포항공과대학교 (2011-2012)
- 미디어, 감성, 그리고문화, 포항공과대학교 (2012-2013)
- 신규부임교수 기자재지원비(2), 포항공과대학교 (2012-2013)
- 미디어, 감성, 그리고문화, 포항공과대학교 (2013-2014)
- “울리는” 코미디와 “웃기는” 드라마: 슬픔과 기쁨의 동시 경험에 관한 문화 간 비교 연구, 재단법인한국연구재단 (2013-2014)
- 한류 열풍과 양가(兩價) 감정: 동아시아 국가 수용자의 엔터테인먼트 콘텐츠 소비를 통해 바라본 선호 감정 비교 연구, 재단법인 포스코청암재단 (2015-2016)
- 모바일 앱을 활용한 자기 설득 (SELF-PERSUASION) 효과 연구: 건강 캠페 인에 대한 시사점을 중심으로, 재단법인한국연구재단 (2015-2016)
- 서양인들의 한국 엔터테인먼트 수용에 대한 연구 : 감정의 "모순"과 "변화"에 대한 독특한 믿음을 중심으로, 포항공과대학교 (2017-2018)
- 소셜네트워크 서비스, 감정 표출 및 억제, 그리고 웰빙: 문화경로 탐색, 포항공과대학교 (2018-2019)
- 엔터테인먼트 소비를 통한 “문화적합감정” (CULTURE FIT EMOTIONS)의 경험: 선행요인과 결과에 관한 연구, 재단법인한국연구재단 (2018-2019)
- [BSRI]포항지진과 소셜미디어 의존, 포항공과대학교 (2019-2020)
- CMCC305 디지털 미디어 리터러시, 한국언론진흥재단 (2020-2020)