
Special Lecture and Dialogue

종료 2011-04-14 1,361

【Special Lecture and Dialogue】

미국 스티븐스공과대학교(Stevens Institute of Technology) 총장을 역임한 Dr.Harold J. Ravche(현, Innovation Strategies Interantional)께서 포스텍을 방문하여 우리대학 백성기 총장과 공동으로 기업가 정신가 정신 함양을 위한 특별강연을 다음과 같이 실시하오니 구성원 여러분의 많은 참석 바랍니다.
1. 제목: Academic Entrepreneurship &Innovation: Harvesting the Benefits of University Research
2. 일시: 2011. 4. 19 (화) 14:00 – 15:30
3. 장소: 포스코국제관 국제회의장
4. 주요 내용
○ 백성기 총장 환영사
○ Dr. Harold J. Raveche 특강
○ 총장 주제토론
○ 대담 (백성기 총장 /Dr. Harold J. Raveche)
○ 질의응답
– Dr. Harold J. Raveche는 1988년부터 20년동안 미국 스티븐스공과대학교
(Stevens Institute of Technology)의 총장 으로 역임하신 후 최근 국제적인 컨설팅 그룹의
대표(Innovation Strategies International)로 활동하고 계십니다.
– 강연은 그 동안의 학계 및 비즈니스 분야의 전문적인 경험을 바탕으로 연구중심대학들의
학문적 기업가 정신과 혁신의 중요성 등의 내용을 중심으로 진행 될 예정입니다. 대학의
기업가 정신문화에 필요한 요소와 역할에 대해 배울 수 있는 좋은 기회가 될 것이며,
구성원 여러분들의 많은 참여를 바랍니다.
– 강연은 영어로 진행됩니다.
– 문의: 사업화지원팀 (279-8481) 

2011. 04. 14
권순주 산학협력처장

【Special Lecture and Dialogue】

Dr. Harold J. Raveche, Founder and Chairman of Innovation Strategies International and former President of Stevens Institute of Technology will visit POSTECH to have a special lecture and dialogue with President Sunggi Baik on academic entrepreneurship. All members of the University are welcome to join us and please refer to the following information for more details.
Title: Academic Entrepreneurship & Innovation: Harvesting the Benefits of University Research
Time & Date: 14:00 – 15:30, Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Venue: International Conference Room, 1st Floor, POSCO International Center
Main Subject
∘ Welcome Address by President Sunggi Baik
∘ Special Lecture by Dr. Harold J. Raveche
∘ Response Speech by President Sunggi Baik
∘ Speakers Dialogue – President Sunggi Baik & Dr. Harold J. Raveche
∘ Q&A
– Dr. Harold J. Raveche had served as President of Stevens Institute of Technology for twenty years since 1988 and is Founder and Chairman of the global consulting company, Innovation Strategies International (www.innostrategies.com). He is also a former president of Stevens Institute of Technology located in New Jersey, U.S.A that he had been appointed to the position for 20 years.
– Based on his professional experience in academic and business areas, he is ready to talk about the importance and values of academic entrepreneurship and innovation in research universities. This will be a good opportunity for learning about essential elements for nurturing the culture of academic entrepreneurship and roles of the university.
– All members of POSTECH are welcome to attend the lecture. Please understand that the talk will be given
in English only.
※For Inquiries: Technology Business Support Team (279-8481)

April 14, 2011
Prof. Soon-Ju Kwon, Dean of Academy and Industry Relations